E2EVC - Athens 2022

What a month!

I've been to my first Citrix PTEC at Vienna and to my first E2EVC at Athens.

The PTEC - I absolutely love the NetScaler brand revival and the NetScaler Community. PTEC is about partners' feedback, company direction and vision. I think Citrix is again about innovation and technology, and I'm more than excited to see what Cloud Software Group will bring us in the near future!

E2EVC is like no other! The depth of this event extends well beyond a simple tech conference. On human level, arguably the most connection-oriented event with the motto "of the techie, by the techie, for the techie". I took part and I was warmly welcomed as a presenter.

Since there are no recordings of the sessions, I decided to upload the presentation.

You can download the presentation below, where you'll find context in the speaker's notes.
